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Bakersfield Letting Agents

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Bakersfield or Bakers fields as it was originally known is a suburb of Nottingham to the East of the city. Bakersfield was developed in the 1930’s with a mixture of private and council housing. Bakersfield sits next to Carlton, Sneinton, Mapperly and Colwick.

The main road through Bakerfield is Oakdale road headed by the Oakdale pub (now Tesco Express). Both the road and the pub were named after a great oak tree which had to be felled due to bad weather. Most of the roads surrounding Oakdale are also named with dale, such as Greendale, Dovedale, Hollydale, Eastdale and Langdale to name a few. Unsurprisingly the local council ward is the Dales ward of Nottingham. Nottingham Lettings are very active in Bakerfield and we manage quite a few properties in this area

Local shops include Tesco Express, Nisa Local, Co-op, Pizza Hut Quick, New Summer Palace, Avondale Garage and a couple of hairdressers and other local businesses. A recent addition to Bakersfield would be the revamped chip shop on the corner of Oakdale and Rosedale named Chip ’n’ Dales. The friendly owner, lovely chips and hot curry sauce makes it a must for our lunch when we are in the area meeting tenants or landlords.

The council housing in the area was designed by T. Cecil Howitt who was very generous in the allocation of large garden spaces. Most houses in Bakersfield have very spacious gardens and are therefore perfect for families looking to rent with children. Also Colwick Woods on the edge of Bakersfield is a large area of ancient woodland with views across Nottingham racecourse and Nottingham city.

If you are looking for a Letting agent familiar with and active in the Bakersfield area, then give Nottingham Lettings a call we would be delighted to speak with you. We can help manage your property, making sure your get the right tenants with our comprehensive credit checks. We will also make sure your property is well maintained by our trusted time served tradesmen.

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